Gulfport Energy公布其8个项目的招标报价条款.0% Senior Notes Due 2026

OKLAHOMA CITY--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Gulfport Energy Corporation(纽约证券交易所代码:GPOR)(“Gulfport”或“公司”)今天宣布了先前宣布的现金收购要约(“收购要约”)的定价条款,根据收购要约中描述的条款和条件,购买下表中列出的任何和所有未偿还的优先票据(“票据”), dated September 3, 2024 (the “Offer to Purchase”), of Gulfport Energy Operating Corporation (“Gulfport Operating”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Gulfport.

下表列出了债券的购买价格(“购买价格”), as calculated at 2:00 p.m.今天,2024年9月9日,纽约时间,根据收购要约.

Title of Security

CUSIP Numbers

Principal Amount Outstanding

U.S. Treasury Reference Security

Bloomberg Reference Page

Reference Yield

Fixed Spread (basis points)

Purchase Price

8.0% Senior Notes due 2026


402635AQ9 (1145) / 402635AR7 (144A) / 402635AS5 (ACCD INV) / U40347AH6 (Reg S)




4.250% U.S.

Treasury due May 31,











If a holder holds Notes in denominations smaller than $1,000 (or holds Notes other than in integral multiples of $1,000), 则该持有人将按比例获得每1美元的购买价,对于持有面额小于1美元的任何有效投标并接受购买的票据,本金金额为1,000美元,000 or held other than in integral multiples of $1,000.

In addition to the Purchase Price, 根据投标要约购买票据的持有人也将从最后一次付息日起至, but not including, Gulfport Operating支付该票据的初始日期, which date is currently expected to be September 13, 2024, 假设收购要约没有延期或提前终止.

投标要约体育平台是根据《体育平台》和《体育平台》所载的条款和条件作出的, copies of which may be obtained from D.F. King & Co., Inc., the tender agent and information agent for the Tender Offer, by calling (888) 626-0988 or, for banks and brokers, (212) 269-5550. 《体育平台》和《体育平台》的副本也可在以下网址获得:; or by requesting via email at

The Tender Offer will expire at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, today unless extended or earlier terminated (such time and date, as the same may be extended, the “Expiration Time”). 投标票据可在到期日之前的任何时间撤回. 票据持有人必须在到期日之前有效投标且不得有效撤回其票据(或遵守保证交付的程序),才有资格获得其票据的购买价格.

在到期日之前或根据保证交付通知进行的所有票据的结算预计将于9月13日完成, 2024, 假设收购要约没有延期或提前终止.

There can be no assurance that any Notes will be purchased. 要约要约以满足某些条件为条件, 包括完成由Gulfport Operating按条款和条件完成的同期债务融资(“债务融资”), but not limited to, (在此类融资中筹集的收益金额)令格尔夫波特运营公司和格尔夫波特满意. 投标要约不以投标票据的最低金额为条件. 投标要约可以修改、延长、终止或撤回.

Gulfport运营公司打算使用债务融资净收入的一部分来为投标报价提供资金,并在5月17日或之前赎回剩余的票据, 2025, the par call date for the Notes, at a redemption price of 100.000% of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon, if any, to the redemption date.

Gulfport Operating has retained J.P. 摩根证券有限责任公司担任本次要约的独家经销商经理. 有关投标要约条款的问题可直接向J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Liability Management Group, U.S. toll free at (866) 834-4666 or collect at (212) 834-4045.


About Gulfport

Gulfport体育平台是一家独立的天然气勘探和生产公司,专注于勘探, acquisition and production of natural gas, 主要集中在阿巴拉契亚盆地和阿纳达科盆地. 我们的主要资产位于俄亥俄州东部的Utica和Marcellus地层,以及俄克拉荷马州中部的SCOOP Woodford和SCOOP Springer地层.

Forward-Looking Statements

本新闻稿包括“前瞻性陈述”,以1995年《体育平台》的安全港条款为目的, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. 前瞻性陈述体育平台是与历史事实无关的陈述. 它们包括关于债务融资及其收益使用的报表, including the Tender Offer and the timing and outcome thereof. 虽然格尔夫波特相信前瞻性陈述中反映的期望和预测体育平台是合理的, 格尔夫波特不能保证他们会证明体育平台是正确的. 它们可能受到不准确或改变的假设或已知或未知的风险和不确定性的影响. Important risks, 假设和其他可能导致未来结果与前瞻性陈述中表达的重大差异的重要因素在截至12月31日的Gulfport 10-K表格年度报告第1A项“风险因素”中进行了描述, 以及在随后的10-Q表格季度报告或8-K表格当前报告中列出的对这些因素的任何更新. 格尔夫波特没有义务公开发布对任何前瞻性陈述的任何修订, 报告事件或报告意外事件的发生.

Investor Contact:
Jessica Antle – Vice President, Investor Relations

Source: Gulfport Energy Corporation